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Secure Supply Chain Collaboration

SecureSCM is an EU-funded research project aimed at finding secure computation protocols for collaborative Supply Chain Management. The project brings together researchers from mathematics, computer science, information systems and management to work together to solve this common problem.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Transportation - the forgotten staple
What a difference a title makes. I only found this article because it was referenced in another arti[...]
A new supply chain perspective: The supply chain life cycle
It is not often that I come across papers with a holistic view of the supply chain as a living and d[...]
Transportation Hazards
This is an updated and extended review of  the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz ([...]
Book Review: Virtual Teams
This is another post resulting from my literature review when researching background material for my[...]
The supply chain of the future
A recent report by IBM, referenced by Supply Chain Digest in IBM Lays Out its Vision for the Supply [...]
Engineering transportation lifelines
New Zealand is probably not the fist country that comes to mind when thinking of state-of-the-art tr[...]
from HERE and THERE
Magnified Risk in Multi-Enterprise Supply Chains
industry week
Browsing other blogs on supply chain issues this morning, I came across yesterday's posting in The N[...]
The Swedish Road Network - Vulnerable or not?
The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden KTH is in the finishing stages of a research [...]