Blog Archives

How to get a PhD without a dissertation

This is a true story about how I was credited with a PhD without having one, just because someone mistook one of the posts on this blog to be my PhD. And anyone looking up my work after reading that article now thinks I really have a PhD.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Supply chain agility - Risk mitigation and response
How does company culture shape a firm's risk mitigation and response, and thus, how does company cul[...]
Call for papers: Supply Chain Risk in China
Supply chain and operations management are increasingly global, and China has become the world's man[...]
The Resilient Organization
What does it mean to be a resilient organization? That is the topic of  The Resilient Organization, [...]
Book Review: Managing Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability
Another book by someone from the ISCRiM group? No, not this time, or perhaps, yes, after all. Managi[...]
A risky business? The top 10 challenges of offshoring
Organisations embarking on offshoring face multiple challenges; many of which can be extremely daunt[...]
The UK Transport Network Resilience...and I
UK Transport Network Resilience
For a budding and even for a seasoned researcher, nothing is more rewarding than to have one's publi[...]
from HERE and THERE
Book Review: Transportation Systems Security
This book, Transportation Systems Security by by Allan McDougall and Robert Radvanovsky is not what [...]
Global Risk and Compliance - Are you protected?
Trade Compliance and Export Control are not just buzzwords in global supply chain. They represent si[...]