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Migrants and European supply chains

Truckers caught up in Europe’s migrant crisis say business is increasingly disrupted by queues and stowaways, but they are far more worried governments will step up border controls

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Supply chain management - the new research cocktail?
Supply Chain Management needs a new way to pursue research, a new way that is focused on theory buil[...]
Mitigating supply chain disruptions
How could I have missed this paper? I was preparing my 2009-lecture on supply chain risk for tomorro[...]
Book Review - Fraud Risk
Last year I was approached by Gower Publishing and invited to review their Short Guides to Business [...]
Transportation Hazards
This is an updated and extended review of  the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz ([...]
London Olympics and Business Continuity
Are UK businesses, and in particular London businesses, unprepared for the London Olympics in 2012? [...]
Will Climate Change have an impact on transportation?
Many studies have already examined the potential impacts of climate change on broad sectors of the e[...]
from HERE and THERE
The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2010
If you are a researcher, a student, a professor and if you have an academic interest in Supply Chain[...]
Balanced Scorecards for Supply Chains
Can balanced scorecards help assess your supply chain vulnerability or your exposure to supply chain[...]