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Sparse transportation networks and disruptions

The vulnerability of the transportation network as part of the supply chain is of particular interest in countries or regions with sparsely populated areas, and hence, a sparse transportation network, because sparse transportation networks, and thus sparse supply chains, are vulnerable to many different kinds of internal and external risks.

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Supply Chain Confidence
Did a 2001 white paper turn into a 2004 academic journal article just like that? In Mitigating suppl[...]
Supplier selection based on supplier risk
It's amazing how supply chain risk papers appear in the unlikeliest of places, and today I discovere[...]
Supply Chain Risk - Jetzt auch auf Deutsch
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Business Continuity in Global Supply Chains
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How New Zealand develops resilient organisations
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Stemming the rising tide
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from HERE and THERE
Pay more get more?
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Finding academic articles without academic journals
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