Blog Archives

Pork Barrel spending?

Norwegian politicians invest more money in roads in regions overrepresented in the Parliament because the expected political return is higher. And that is why Norwegian roads always have been, currently are and forever will be, a patchwork of high-standard and sub-standard roads.

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Economists versus Technocrats – who wins?

In the current financial downturn, much pressure has been on the government (here in Norway, and I bet elsewhere too) to initiate public works projects or other public investment projects in order to create or save jobs.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Supply Chain Risk Management: A Neural Network Approach
I found a very interesting article by Frank Teuteberg in Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Even[...]
Humanitarian Relief Supply Chains
Managing disaster supply chains has much in common with managing supply chain disruptions,  and a d[...]
Is Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment the way of the future?
Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment. That is the magic formula that runs like a red thread through John G[...]
Book Review: Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Event Management
Operations Management and Logistics have been around for a while, but Supply Chain Management is a r[...]
Supply Chain and Transport Risk
We are living in a new world of risk that is making this world unprecedentedly complex and challengi[...]
A risky business? The top 10 challenges of offshoring
Organisations embarking on offshoring face multiple challenges; many of which can be extremely daunt[...]
from HERE and THERE
Three steps to make your supply chain less vulnerable
Some time ago, Jeff Karrenbauer, CEO of Insight Inc., a top international provider of supply chain p[...]
Do you know where your truck fleet is right now? No? You should.
Vehicle routing and tracking has taken a giant leap forward Since I first wrote about in 1999 in my [...]