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Book Review: Your Research Project

This book is a must-have for any serious student or budding research. The book emphasises that research is based on structure and logic. The book teaches by example how to do research. I think that is what makes this such a brilliant book to have and read and put to use.

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Location, location, location

How do companies or businesses located in such places adapt to the terms and conditions of their supply chain, how do they hedge against the risk of supply chain disruptions, how are they impacted if there is a disruption?

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Importance and Exposure – Measures of Vulnerability?
Today I am presenting a paper from an old friend of mine. Well, "friend" is perhaps a slight exagger[...]
Accessibility Index - Transport Network Vulnerability
Taylor, M., Sekhar, S., & D'Este, G. (2006). Application of Accessibility Based Methods for Vulnerability Analysis of Strategic Road Networks Networks and Spatial Economics, 6 (3-4), 267-291
I had the pleasure of meeting M.A.P. Taylor at the 3rd International Symposium on Transport Network [...]
Book review: Handbook of Transportation Engineering
Comprehensive and all-encompassing, the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz (editor)[...]
Book Review: HBR on Crisis Management
Close calls and near misses are not unusual in the business world, but how do companies deal with th[...]
Critical Infrastructure and Resilience
What happens when a business is disabled for a length of time? What are the impacts on its profitabi[...]
Engineering transportation lifelines
New Zealand is probably not the fist country that comes to mind when thinking of state-of-the-art tr[...]
from HERE and THERE
Issues in visualization of risk and vulnerability
Risk analysis tends to be a highly mathematically, statistically, and let alone probabilistically or[...]
The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2009
As a researcher within supply chain risk, I find the ISCRiM Newsletters a valuable source of informa[...]