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NOFOMA – The Nordic Logistics Research Network

The Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) is a network of Nordic researchers within the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Why haven’t I heard about this before…stupid me! It’s amazing how one can be a researcher in a certain field without being aware of the most obvious network one should join.

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The Final Frontier: The Northern Sea Route
Sought after by polar explorers and long awaited by the shipping community: The Northern Sea Route. [...]
Control or laissez-faire?
Maintaining a company's competitive advantage depends on managing and controlling a global supply ch[...]
ISCRiM 2010 Proceedings
Two weeks ago I attended the ISCRiM 2010 seminar at Loughborough University, a gathering of some of [...]
Book review: Transport - Economics and Management
Kept at an executive level, Transport: An Economics and Management Perspective by David A. Hensher a[...]
How New Zealand develops resilient organisations
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Supply Chain Security
Today's supply chains circle the globe and form the backbone of world trade and a are major factor i[...]
from HERE and THERE
The Swedish Road Network - Vulnerable or not?
The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden KTH is in the finishing stages of a research [...]
Today's transport disruption: volcanoes
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