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Trade compliance risks

This webinar – in German – takes a closer look at the risks and pitfalls involved in trading across borders, and in particular how non-compliance with trade and regulations can severely hamper supply chain operations.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Finding the right location - minimizing disruption costs
Classical facility location models assume that once optimally located and set up, facilities will op[...]
How to secure your supply chain - 4/7
My previous post was part three of a series based on the Swedish business continuity handbook titled[...]
Can your business take a blow?
Are you prepared for whatever mishaps your business throws at you? If you're not, you better start l[...]
The Definition of Agility
Although getting close to 20 years old now, The Agile Virtual Enterprise: Cases, Metrics, Tools, wri[...]
Are roads more important than computers?
Critical Infrastructure. Which is more important - or 'critical' - road networks or computers? What [...]
Highway Vulnerability and Criticality Assessment
Transportation vulnerability and resilience have been the focus of this blog for the past two days, [...]
from HERE and THERE
Resilience Lessons from the Haiti Earthquake
The recent earthquake in Haiti is a poignant reminder of how vulnerable a country is when it is faci[...]
Food commodity supply chains at risk?
Have the prices gone up at your local supermarket recently? Maybe your favorite chocolate is suddenl[...]