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Transportation reliability and vulnerability

This is a philosophical essay on transportation vulnerability, where three fields or subjects are brought together : engineering (reliability and vulnerability), economics (cost and benefits) and politics (decision making).The research essay aims at taking reliability and vulnerability into the realm of cost-benefit analysis to serve as decision support.

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Pork Barrel spending?
Why is it that some infrastructure projects in sparsely populated regions of Norway receive more fun[...]
How to secure your supply chain - 4/7
My previous post was part three of a series based on the Swedish business continuity handbook titled[...]
Appetite versus Attitude
Finally, and long overdue, another review in the Gower Short Guide to Business Risk book series. Thi[...]
Risk Management in Maritime Transportation Networks
This week’s focus are risks in the maritime supply chain, and today's article introduces a new metho[...]
Hiperos - the Integrated View of Supplier Risk
Supply chains have gone global. No longer are they a point-to-chain of goods flowing from a source t[...]
Creating the resilient supply chain
This blog is about supply chain risk, business continuity and transport vulnerability, and while I h[...]
from HERE and THERE
Road Transportation Management using GIS – vehicle routing and tracking
Roads are main arteries of modern society’s infrastructure, contributing heavily to the distribution[...]
Magnified Risk in Multi-Enterprise Supply Chains
industry week
Browsing other blogs on supply chain issues this morning, I came across yesterday's posting in The N[...]