Blog Archives

Supply Chain Risk Webinars

I do have a lecture on supply chain risk, but not in webinar style. Perhaps it’s time to reconsider.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Inbound and outbound vulnerability
After publishing A conceptual framework for the analysis of vulnerability in supply chains, Gøran Sv[...]
Perspectives on risk management in supply chains
Today's article is actually not an article on it's own, but an editorial to a special 2009 issue of [...]
Book Review: Your Research Project
This book is a must-have for any serious student or budding research. Even if you consider yourself [...]
Book Review: Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management
First published in 1998 and now already in its 3rd edition in 2009, but still unknown to me, althoug[...]
Supply Chain and Transport Risk
In our interconnected world, safety, reliability and efficiency can only be secured through collabor[...]
London Olympics and Business Continuity
Are UK businesses, and in particular London businesses, unprepared for the London Olympics in 2012? [...]
from HERE and THERE
ISCRIM - so much catching up
ISCRIM - 4 years ago it was a very big part of this blog. Unfortunately, after leaving the academic [...]
Issues in visualization of risk and vulnerability
Risk analysis tends to be a highly mathematically, statistically, and let alone probabilistically or[...]