Blog Archives

Earthquake, tsunami, meltdown and data backup

Perhaps I’m capitalizing on the current catchphrases of the day, but in a sense I too was in disaster management mode the last night. My blog was down. I had caused it myself, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to solve it. Until I found the rescue button: Site Backup and Restore.

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Hard Drive Recovery and Business Continuity

Do you regularly back up vital business information? Not? Well, maybe hard drive repair or hard drive recovery may save the day for you. DTIData is one of many specialists in hard drive recovery and hard drive repair.

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Will your business byte the dust?

To backup or not to backup? Honestly, you shouldn’t even be asking yourself this question. Can you afford not to backup? Data recovery can be very costly, while data backup is a cheap insurance premium.

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A conceptual framework for supply chain vulnerability
Today's article is one of the earlier works on supply chain vulnerability, published in 2000. A conc[...]
Supply Chain Turbulence
We are living in turbulent times. So are our supply chains. Nonetheless, the standard tenets of supp[...]
Risk and resilience in maritime logistics
This week's focus are risks in the maritime supply chain and today's paper sets out a framework for [...]
Book Review: Operations Rules
Operations Rules by David Simchi-Levi comes with an ambiguous title. You can read this two ways: 1) [...]
Engineering transportation lifelines
New Zealand is probably not the fist country that comes to mind when thinking of state-of-the-art tr[...]
Risk management - Vocabulary
What is risk management in supply chains? The more I study supply chain risk management, the more co[...]
from HERE and THERE
How Effective Pallet Management Can Benefit the Full Supply Chain
pps pallet pooling
One seemingly small link in the supply chain of goods is pallets; those little timber crates on whic[...]
Flexibility and robustness as options to reduce risk and uncertainty
Any company operating in international markets will face a multitude of risks. Acknowledging these r[...]