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Bad locations = bad logistics?

How are companies located in sparse transport networks affected by supply chain disruptions? This article develops a new framework for the categorization of supply chains, and introduces the notion of the constrained supply chain.

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Lean + Agile = LeAgile: a happy marriage?
Opposites attract and in the supply chain world, "lean" and "agile" appear to be opposites. Both man[...]
Risks and supply chains... stochastically speaking2
A word of warning: This is not your typical journal article on supply chain risk. Risks and supply c[...]
Enterprise-wide Risk Management
Coming from a crisis management and business continuity background, I really enjoyed reading Enterpr[...]
The Resilient Organization
What does it mean to be a resilient organization? That is the topic of  The Resilient Organization, [...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
Will Climate Change have an impact on transportation?
Many studies have already examined the potential impacts of climate change on broad sectors of the e[...]
from HERE and THERE
Call for papers – MITIP 2009
The factory of the future is calling for a shift in strategic vision.  Already, many operations are [...]
Another volcanic ash cloud crisis?
Rewind your thoughts one year: Iceland. Volcano eruption. Air travel. Then look at today's news. Are[...]