Blog Archives

Resilience as a job description

So I now call myself “Resilience Adviser”. And what do I do? My job is to oversee that the state-managed road network in my region is planned, built, operated and maintained so that it can function 24/7/365, and thus ensure societal safety and societal security.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Broader research = better research?
I have always seen myself as a cross-disciplinary thinker, and I guess that is why I am so often sid[...]
Accessibility Index - Transport Network Vulnerability
Taylor, M., Sekhar, S., & D'Este, G. (2006). Application of Accessibility Based Methods for Vulnerability Analysis of Strategic Road Networks Networks and Spatial Economics, 6 (3-4), 267-291
I had the pleasure of meeting M.A.P. Taylor at the 3rd International Symposium on Transport Network [...]
Book Review: The Geography of Transport Systems
This is a book I've wanted to lay my hands on for a long time. The Geography of Transport Systems by[...]
Book Review: Procurement Risk
"Do yo like living dangerously? Then you should read this book. It exposes you to over seventy types[...]
London Olympics and Business Continuity
Are UK businesses, and in particular London businesses, unprepared for the London Olympics in 2012? [...]
Supply Chain Security
Today's supply chains circle the globe and form the backbone of world trade and a are major factor i[...]
from HERE and THERE
Point merge - the latest in aviation logistics
I've been travelling this week, which is why there haven't been any posts for a while, and on my tri[...]
Migrants and European supply chains
Truckers caught up in Europe's migrant crisis say business is increasingly disrupted by queues and s[...]