Yearly Archives: 2002

ArcView Network Analyst Tutorial

This tutorial was developed by Jan Husdal at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 2000-2002. It shows how to solve 3 categories of network analysis problems; Find Best Route, Find Closest Facility and Find Service Area, and it comes complete with exercise data and solutions.

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Pålitelighet og sårbarhet av transportsystemer

Transportsystemer som veg og jernbane danner ryggraden i et moderne samfunn. Påliteligheten og sårbarheten i et transportsystem blir dermed avgjørende faktorer ikke bare i konkurranse- og markedsøyemed, men også i beredskapssammenheng, for å kunne opprettholde normal samfunnsdrift.

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The reliability and vulnerability of transportation lifelines

Transportation networks like freeways and interstate highways are the main backbone of modern society. Consequently, the reliability or vulnerability of any transportation network is thus a decisive factor not only in terms of market outreach and competition, but also in terms of continuity, to ensure a 24/7 operation of the community we live in.

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JavalancheTM – analyzing hazards to roads

Traditionally, in studying the effect of hazards on roads, a hazard map is prepared based on the hazard in question, the contributing factors and then overlaid with a road map. If the road or a buffer around its vicinity intersects hazard areas, these areas constitute a potential threat. In the approach used in this procedure, imagine traveling along the road and looking to either side for hazards.

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Shortest Path Computation: A Comparative Analysis

Current research work into establishing a performance efficiency hierarchy between Java, C++ and ArcView is described and experimentation is performed in order to statistically compare shortest path query execution time, response time and implementation issues.

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A spatial framework for modeling hazards to transportation lifelines

Transportation networks are exposed to a wide range of natural hazards and this study has developed a GIS tool for analyzing these hazards. The primary hazards included in this study are avalanches, landslides, flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, and rockfall. The GIS software used was MFWorks

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Book review: Networks and Algorithms

This book tells you the difference between the various types of graphs, trees and networks and shows you step by step calculations on how to solve them by hand (they didn’t have that many computers in 1993).

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Inbound and outbound vulnerability
After publishing A conceptual framework for the analysis of vulnerability in supply chains, Gøran Sv[...]
Robustness, resilience, flexibility and agility
robustness flexibility resilience
Several “buzzwords” have been linked to supply chain risk  management (SCRM) in various ways: robust[...]
Book Review: Supply Chain Risk
A comment on a a previous book review - Supply Chain Risk Managament by Donald Waters - prompted me [...]
Book Review: Political Risk
Egypt is in crisis. After Tunisia, now Egypt is rocked by a popular uprising, and the outcome of the[...]
Assess the vulnerability of your production system
So far I have reviewed "international" literature and web sites, and it is only fitting that now it [...]
Engineering transportation lifelines
New Zealand is probably not the fist country that comes to mind when thinking of state-of-the-art tr[...]
from HERE and THERE
Practical Supply Chain Risk Management
Every once in while I come across articles written by leaders in the industry. that catch my attenti[...]
Sheffi's disruption profile
There is a figure in the book The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Adv[...]